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Message from the Dean of Business Studies

Welcome to the Faculty of Business Studies of Comilla University.

The Faculty of Business Studies (FBS) is the most dynamic and diverse academic unit of the Comilla University. This faculty was founded on 28th May, 2007 with three departments: Management Studies, Accounting and Information Systems and Marketing. Later, Finance and Banking department was introduced to the faculty of Business Studies. Since its inception, FBS offers a four-year Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) program with 129 Credits, a one-year regular Master of Business Administration (MBA) program with 36 Credits and a twenty months MBA (Weekend) program with 54 Credits.  With a view to attaining Bangladesh National Qualifications Framework (BNQF) requirements and to achieve international accreditation, Comilla University FBS programs have been redesigned under Outcome Based Curriculum (OBE) structure. Starting from session 2022-2023, it now offers a four-year BBA program with 138 Credits, a one and half year regular MBA (Coursework and Mixed Mode) program with 45 Credits . Besides, FBS has been facilitating numerous researches on various fields of national interest that have already earned recognition and fame from both national and international levels. The students of the faculty have been awarded the Vice-Chancellor’s merit award and Dean’s award for their outstanding performance. Moreover, our faculty members have been regularly awarded Vice-Chancellor’s award for their research articles published in reputed high impact journals. 

Professor Dr. Mohammad Ahsan Ullah

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