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Message from the Head of The Department of Accounting and Information Systems

Welcome to the Department of Accounting & Information Systems (AIS). Along with the inauguration of Comilla University's program the Department of Accounting & Information Systems commenced its academic pursuits in 2006-2007 session. We have an educational atmosphere featuring teaching-learning, innovation, research, and collaboration. We understand that, in the ever-changing fields of accounting and information systems, it’s crucial to provide students with skills and resources that keep them at the forefront of the industry. The department offers programs at every level - undergraduate and graduate - and students graduate with outstanding knowledge, skills and unrivaled professionalism. We have relationships among our students, alumni, faculty, and employers. Our renowned faculty working alongside incredibly bright and hard-working students. In addition, our dedicated alumni and employers collaborate with us to ensure that our graduates are prepared for the rapidly changing fields of accounting and information systems. Our alumni are contributing in corporate, government, and NGO sectors successfully at national level. They are also working in abroad like Australia, England, Germany, etc.

Professor Dr. Mohammed Belal Uddin, FCMA

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